Address Levels 2, Louis Vuitton Building, 1479 Marfaa Beirut Souks, Fakhri Bey, Allenby Street, Beirut
Telephone +9611957576
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The Winchester School

Primary from 8,352 AED per year - Secondary school from 11,136 AED per year - English National Curriculum - Multi-purpose Auditorium - Sports Fields - Music & Art Rooms - Science & Computer Laboratories - Library - Air-conditioned Play Area for Kindergarten - Outdoor Covered Play Areas - Activity Rooms - Audio-Visual Rooms - Transport - Medical Care
Prices KG 1-2: 8,352 AED per year ,Year 1-5: 10,440 AED per year ,Year 6-8: 11,136 AED per year ,Year 9: 13,224 AED per year ,Year 10-11: 14,906 AED per year
Hours Sun. to Thurs. 8am-2pm
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The Winchester School in Jebel Ali

Address Dubai, Jebel Ali
Winchester School
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Telephone +971-4-8820444

Reviews (2)

Ethica   -   2012-01-13
"They are professional and they do care..."

Patty   -   2009-12-01
"Part of the Winchester School curriculum is the PSHCE or Personal & Social Health and Careers Education wherein students at Year 9 are able to develop and get an idea of how they aspire themselves in the world of professionalism. Ideas are discussed, students are guided and plans are laid out for the full attainment of these aspirations. Guidance is given until the time that the student has begun taking universities for higher education."