Address Levels 2, Louis Vuitton Building, 1479 Marfaa Beirut Souks, Fakhri Bey, Allenby Street, Beirut
Telephone +9611957576
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Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre

Acupuncture - Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Allopathic Treatment - Woman Health Program - Youth Development Program - Booking well ahead is advised
Hours Sun. to Thurs. 8am-8pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
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Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre in Oud Metha

Address Dubai, Oud Metha
Opp Al Wasl Club, Oud Mehta Road, Zabeel
View Map
Telephone +971-4-3351200
Fax +971 4 3352555

Reviews (1)

Florent   -   2011-02-07
"The person I spoke to was very helpful and well informed on the telephone."