Address Levels 2, Louis Vuitton Building, 1479 Marfaa Beirut Souks, Fakhri Bey, Allenby Street, Beirut
Telephone +9611957576
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Dubai Courts

Pioneering in Courts

In our journey toward our strategic vision and to realize our mission at all levels, we resort in our judgment to our joint values, which will remain our first and primary reference: Justice, Independence, Equality, Creativity, Distinguishness & Team Spirit
Hours 8:00 AM - 1:00 and 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
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Dubai Courts in Oud Metha

Address Dubai, Oud Metha
Umm Hurair Road
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Telephone +97143347777
Fax +97143344477

Reviews (1)

Joyce   -   2011-08-10
"You have shed a ray of sunsnhie into the forum. Thanks!"