Address Levels 2, Louis Vuitton Building, 1479 Marfaa Beirut Souks, Fakhri Bey, Allenby Street, Beirut
Telephone +9611957576
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Chameleon Club

Set in the heart of Byblos Hotel in Tecom, Chameleon Club Dubai boasts some of the most breathtaking lighting arrangements and state of the art sound systems in the UAE. Whether you’re a visual creature, or tantalised by taste, textures and sublime sounds, Chameleon Club has something for everyone who wants to experience something totally unique in the clubbing world.
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Chameleon Club in Sheikh Zayed Road

Address Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road
Dubai Internet City, TECOM
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Telephone +971 4 4488 000
Telephone +971 4 4488 000

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