Address Levels 2, Louis Vuitton Building, 1479 Marfaa Beirut Souks, Fakhri Bey, Allenby Street, Beirut
Telephone +9611957576
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Al Kamda General Trading

Al Kamda is an ISO certified company providing customised turnkey solutions for any size and budgetin health and fitness equipment, tennis and squash courts, stadium packages, sauna, steam, whirlpool, spa equipment and services, sports flooring and equipment, cubicles, lockers and architectural finishes.
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Al Kamda General Trading in Deira

Address Dubai, Deira
Ground Floor, Gargash Building, Salahuddin Road, Hor Al Anz
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Telephone +971 4 343 0808
Telephone +971 4 343 0808
Fax +971 4 343 3711
GPS deira

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